Don't Open Your Eyes...

"Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? Josh Malerman knows..."

If you were expecting that The Shadow was the answer you would be mistaken.

Monday evening at Harper Collins' Toronto Office served as an introduction to Josh Malerman's novel Bird Box; it also served as an introduction to the world of shadows, mystery, post apocalyptic dread, and deliberate blindfolded darkness that serves as a marker for Malerman's Bird Box. But the reference to The Shadow remains apt because of this was not your regular introduction with an author reading an excerpt from his book; no, it was an introduction to the novel through an homage to Theatre of the Mind, replete with organ music, sound affects, play by play commentary, the requisite bit of melodrama, and a captive audience listening while blindfolded. Yes, blindfolded.

All fun stuff. 
Kudos to Malerman for taking the unconventional approach for a book that has all the trappings of a hit, not only in print but at the box office and kudos to Harper Collins for hosting. The SukasaReads Review is forthcoming and we are told that this page turner is difficult to put down. However, just don't read it at night and remember, don't open your eyes.

Post by @ArijitBanik


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